Political Power - Race

Open A Campaign Bank Account

Opening Your Campaign Bank Account

Your personal finances and campaign finances must remain separate to preserve the structure of your funding.

You (or your campaign committee) will need to open a "depository account" (bank account) specifically for the campaign, into which all campaign contributions will be placed and all campaign disbursements will be made. Remember that campaign funds should not be mixed with your personal or anyone else's.

Your campaign bank account should be operated by someone with financial experience, which is another reason why assembling a campaign committee is important during the early stages of your candidacy.

Political Power - Race

When Is It The Right Time?

A campaign bank account should be opened as early as possible. Prior to the opening of the account, any expenses a candidate takes on personally would be considered a personal loan on the candidate's behalf. However, past that point, no funds should come in or out without an account representing the campaign, and no action should be taken with the account without a treasurer's involvement.

Campaign Fundraising

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