Political Power - Race

Register As A Candidate

Register As A Candidate with the GTCFC

Registering your campaign will enable you to retain funds collected from both fundraisers and personal contributions.

The Georgia Government Transparency & Campaign Finance Commission (GTCFC) handles all registration and reporting for contributions and expenditures for state elections. Before you accept any campaign contributions, you must complete and file a Declaration of Intention to Accept Campaign Contributions (CTC Form DOI) with the GTCFC. If you’ll be accepting campaign contributions for multiple elections (e.g., a primary election and a general election), you’ll also need to file CFC Form COOSA with the GTCFC. Both forms can be found linked below.

Political Power - Race

Ways to Become A Candidate

There are four ways to run for office: seek a nomination from a political party, run as a candidate for a civic organization by petition or nomination, petition to run as an independent candidate, or run as a write-in candidate. Although each is an acceptable option, the most typical strategy to get elected in Georgia is to seek the support of a major political party, most commonly the Democrats or Republicans. You can be registered before you qualify, so make sure you also satisfy the qualification requirements.

Legal Qualifications

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